ADRE Admit Card Grade 4 Link [ OUT ] Direct Download PDF

ADRE Admit Card Grade 4: The Assam Direct Recruitment Commission (ADRE) has officially released the Grade 4 Admit Card for 2024. If you’ve applied for the Grade 4 exam, direct link is given below to download your hall ticket without any problem. Good luck for you exam. Complete details are given below to your result

ADRE Admit Card Grade 4

To download the admit card, candidates must visit the official website of the Government of Assam, After reaching the website, they should locate the link for ADRE Grade 4 Admit Card and enter their registration number and date of birth to access the document. After downloading, it is advised to print the admit card as it is mandatory to bring a physical copy to the exam centre on the day of the exam. The admit card contains important details such as the name of the candidate, roll number, date and time of the exam, and the address of the exam centre. results Overview

Name of AuthorityAssam Administrative Staff College (AASC Assam)
Name of ExamAssam Direct Recruitment 2024
Admit Card DateSeptember 2024
Admit Card StatusReleased Now
Post CategoryAdmit Card
Official &

ADRE Admit Card Grade 4 Download Link

ADRE Admit Card Grade 4 Link

The Assam Direct Recruitment Commission (ADRE) has officially announced the release of the Grade 4 Admit Card for the year 2024, This is the good news for students. To access the admit card, candidates should navigate to the official website of the Assam Government at Once on the homepage, they need to locate the designated section for the ADRE Grade 4 Admit Card. Direct link is available below, our team also provided the official website direct link below.

Details Mentioned on Hall Ticket

Details Mentioned on a Hall Ticket:

  1. Candidate’s Name: Full name of the applicant.
  2. Roll Number: Unique identifier assigned to the candidate for the exam.
  3. Registration Number: Number assigned during the application process.
  4. Exam Name: Title of the examination (e.g., Grade 4 Recruitment Exam).
  5. Exam Date: Scheduled date of the examination.
  6. Exam Time: Start time of the exam.
  7. Exam Center Name: Name of the venue where the exam will be conducted.
  8. Exam Center Address: Complete address of the examination center.
  9. Photograph: Recent passport-sized photo of the candidate (may be printed or attached).
  10. Signature: Space for the candidate’s signature (sometimes pre-printed).
  11. Instructions: Important guidelines for candidates to follow on exam day (e.g., items allowed, prohibited items).
  12. Contact Information: Details for contacting the examination authority in case of queries or issues.
  13. Date of Issue: Date when the hall ticket was issued.
  14. Barcode or QR Code: For electronic verification and security purposes.

How to Download Admit Card

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the examination authority (for example, for Assam Direct Recruitment, visit or
  2. Locate the Admit Card Section: On the homepage, find the section labeled “Admit Card” or “Hall Ticket.” This is often found under the latest announcements or notifications.
  3. Select the Relevant Exam: Click on the link for the specific exam you are appearing for (e.g., Grade 4 Recruitment Exam).
  4. Enter Required Details: You will be prompted to enter your Registration Number and Date of Birth. Make sure to input the information accurately to avoid any errors.
  5. Submit the Information: After entering the details, click on the Submit or Download button.
  6. View and Download the Admit Card: Your admit card will appear on the screen. Review the details to ensure everything is correct. If all looks good, download the admit card and save it as a PDF.
  7. Print the Admit Card: It’s essential to print a copy of your admit card, as you will need to bring it with you on the exam day.
  8. Check for Updates: If there are any issues or if you need further assistance, check the website for contact details of the examination authority or any updates related to the admit card.

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